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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F070CBT6 SysTick_Handler never called

Hi all,I have a custom board I have designed with an STM32F070CBT6 on it. Currently it is only populated with the power regulator, one led hooked up to pin PA1 and the debug header.I've used STM32CubeMX to generate a simple test project that initiali...

Nucleo-H743ZI: Strange behavior of CANFD-Controller!

Hi together,I have two Nucleo-Boards with same sw and same external HW. On one HW I get RX acknoledge errors, on the other one everything is fine.Nucleo-H7 with STM32H743ZIOn-Chip CANFD-Controller, CANFD1 (PA11, PA12) and CANFD2 (PB13, PB12)Own exter...

RMehl by Associate
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Why are all MAC callback functions in I-CUBE-LRWAN moved to lora.c ("inside the stack") and statically defined? (in Stackforce this is not the case)

While working on a standard OTAA Rejoin procedure for our application I've noticed the LoRaMAC callback primitives are all fixed in the LORA_Init() function. When I want to catch the event the MAC layer signals the reception (or not) of a server ACK ...

ingpjb by Associate
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