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Hi all,I cannot detect MCU STM32WLE5CC by ST-Link V2.My schematic:Could you show me my mistake? Thank you very much.
Hi all,Could you show me any code example and reference design for STM32WLE5JB ?Thanks you very much,
HI all,I cannot set sensor to power down mode.When i send command 0x03 to register CTRL_REG3, Current consumption is 100uA, i use stm8l151g6 (turn off hardware LIS3MDL current consumption is 1uA).
Hi,I am using KIT B-L072Z-LRWAN1. I tried to send data to gateway, but i only send 11 bytes, if i send more than 11 bytes, my gateway cannot receive. I used example project EndNode in STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.1.2 library.