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Hello I am using stm32f030f4 and i want to use the STM32Cubeprogrammer in automatic mode , i had tried to use –ob rdp=1 to change the read out protection level to 1 ,but its not working .what is the right option bytes command?
hii am trying to make a new project on STM32F030K6 but, after i start and pause debug, a message appears : The stack pointer for stack 'CSTACK' (currently 0x20000658) is outside the stack range (0x20000048 to 0x20000448)  . and the program stuck so...
hello i am using stm32f103 for reading a 10 adc channels and i am using Dual mode regular simultaneous with DMA , the result are loaded in a buffer.the problem is the loaded data from the ADC1 are in the right order (1st data is from 1st channel)bu...
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