H7 ADC minimum Sampling Time for slow channels?
What is the minimum Sampling Time for ADC slow channels in the STM32H7?Ari
What is the minimum Sampling Time for ADC slow channels in the STM32H7?Ari
I tried to download the x-cube-eeprom libary for the stm32l4 devices.When press the "Get Software" button on the https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-eeprom.html site nothing happens when im logged in to my account
Hi there!We are using nucleo embedded board for one of the application in IOT. We could like to sell this product to end customers, so is there any rules & regulation which we have to follow to sell this product.
Has micron eMMC memory support been released for stm32 platforms? there is nothing but this document. https://www.micron.com/resource-details/41f6ea73-754f-45f6-8039-2e19f5394ca8reference design, sample code etc.We want to read and write micron MTFC ...
I am using a mixed LL-HAL setup on an STM32F072 target. Although the HW transmits a CAN message using HAL_CAN_Transmit_IT(), it appears that the CAN interrupts do not execute. There seem to be two-ish parts to this problem:(1) The Main interrupt ha...
Hello everyone.I'm studying in stm32f40g eval and using timer in one pulse mode.First I'm use the example code TIM_OnePulse and modify it. I'm add the One pulse OUTPUT in function TIM_Config and One pulse EXTERNAL TRIGGER in function TIM_T2IConfig. I...
How can we provide support to two devices (startup files) for a developed application. I am using STM32L432KC MCU and i want to migrate my application to STM32L452RE MCU. Is there any way to do the same?
Hi I am having issues with playing sound through the audio out jack. I have gone through the BSP examples but what's lacking for me is the correct setup of the pins. At the moment I have set up -SAI2 Block A (Master) - (I2S/PCM enabled)I2C3 I2S3 DMA ...
I want to do a C Project in Eclipse using the STDPeriph. But when selecting the STM32F407G-DISC1, there is no firmware defined for this target.
I am using STM32F469, and I want to connect with USB MSC and QSPI SERIAL FLASH. Is there any sample source?