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MCUBOOT bootloader upgrade OTA

Using following settings: IDE : VS Code (NRF connect plug-in) Programmer : Stm32Cube programmer Stlink Debugger  OS: Zephyr  MCU: Stm32u5 series   Modem: Sierra wireless I'm trying to upgrade MCUboot ( Zephyr's) bootloader using FOTA .I can upgrade a...

A Maq by Senior
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Resolved! Signal Generator in AD9850

Hi Team,Can we interface AD9850 DDS Signal Generator Module with STM32F407G to generate sin wave and square wave, is there any procedure or links to interface between AD9850 with STM Microcontroller.Best RegardsGagan Gowda

ggowd.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G4 and MCO pin

I am using STM32G431cbtx and enabling RCC_MCO. Since the STM32G4 supports two pins, PA8 and PG10, PA8 is being used for another function, and I am using PG10 for RCC_MCO. However, when measuring the voltage on pin PG10, it is always high. Can anyone ...

stm32H7 clock scheme 49.152MHz to 24MHz and max MCU

Hello,I sort of feel *** not to get sure there not a best solution. I develop an Audio board, with USB HS. I will have a good 49.152MHz clock to drive the SAI, and I wanted to ue it for the HSE.49.152 * 125 / 256 = 24MHz that I need for the ULPI. Loo...

jmf1 by Senior
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