2023-07-15 11:16 AM
Hello :)
i am working with a nucleo-h755zi.
my goal is to create the following:
1. M7 core running with FreeRTOS and LWIP.
2. M4 Core running bare metal.
after using the following instructions (https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus/how-to-create-project-for-stm32h7-with-ethernet-and-lwip-stack/ta-p/49308#memory-layout ) i was able to achive (1).
unfortenoutly it seems that while the M7 runs fine and i am able to ping it, the M4 Systick is not OK (uwTick is always 0), i also noticed that this problem is fixed when i disable M7 MPU defenitions.
i suspect that the LWIP stack is somehow blocking or corrupting M4 Data.
Please advise on how to resolve this, perhaps i am missing something?
thanks for your help and responses in advance :)
2024-11-12 9:43 PM
Hi. I also have the same board and I've been trying to use LWIP with freeRTOS. I can ping my board with LWIP, but the moment I add freeRTOS, I've been struggling. I get it to ping for almost a minute until it goes to Destination Host Unreachable. Have you been able to get it to ping non-stop? I appreciate any advice.