User Activity

Hello everyone,I'm working on a project using STM32U031, and using RTC with LSI(32kHz) to calculate elapsed time, and everything working fine, the waveform of LSI output also looks great.And I need to switching power supply in sometimes, and there co...
Hello everyone,I'm using Board NUCLEO-U031R8 for testing now, and I started with cubeMX and initial component below:System Clock configure to HSI (16MHz)FreeRTOS with USE_TICKLESS_IDLE as 1 (built in functionality enabled), and auto generated two fun...
Hello everyone:I'm working with board NUCLEO-U031R8, and need to wake up when LPUART receive data which using LSE with 32768Hz.MCU would send back the receive data which end with '\n', and it works fine in running mode, and a special command 'S' let ...
Hello everyone,I'm using Board NUCLEO-U031R8 for testing now.I have an old FreeRTOS project designed for a power-saving application, and I am preparing to migrate it to a new IC STM32U031 series MCU.In the old project, setting configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE...
Hi everyone,I am working on a power-saving application using the STM32G030 series IC, and I need to configure the UART to work at a baud rate of 9600 with an external low-frequency oscillator (32.768 kHz).My goal is to ensure that the UART baud rate ...
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