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Forum Posts

STM32F4 DMA quetion

Hello everyone.I'm studying in STM32F4 and learn DMA module using Example code of St. The example show how to use DMA in Burst feature to do 3 transfers into timer register beginning at TIMx_ARR after DMA update request.But I don't understand why add...

Resolved! About voltage scaling 1, 2 ,3

Hello,I am working on Power Reduction and we are using STM32F446RE Microcontroller. In the RM i found this, "the regulator output voltage (around1.2 V) can be scaled by software to different voltage values (scale 1, scale 2, and scale3 can be configu...

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Hello, I am using NUCLEO F49ZI. I am trying USART for Modbus Master. So after I send command to slave device, I would like UART to be listening mode or receiving mode. however, I confuse USART2_IRQHandler() and HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, pdata, 2...

STM32L476 I2C problem

Hi All,I've been struggling with this for a while now. I have designed a new board based on the STM32L476 to replace an old design using a PIC. I cannot for the life of me get the I2C to work.I have used STMCubeMX to pinmux and configure / generate...
