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Resolved! STM32F411 I2C transmission not working

I am trying to get I2C on the STM32F411 to work with an audio codec. For now I am just trying a simple loopback but I am already running into trouble. I am using the standard lib and my code always hangs after sending the 7bit address. I checked ever...

USB DFU on 28pin STM32F042G

Does the 28pin STM32F042 still support DFU over USB even though the USB pins PA12 and PA11 have to be remapped to PA9 and PA10? I want to use DFU to program my part at factory so it will be blank.

KHoll by Associate
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Create Black-magic-probe with STM32

Hello, I am having trouble into using Black-magic-probe with my stm32f103c8. First of all I tried this tutorial : to create my own black-magic-probe, ...

pbenj by Associate II
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USART1_IRQHandler ISR routine not been called?

Hi,I am using a STM32F407VE MCU board with USART1 as debug port. I am able to output string to USART1 but not receiving. This ISR routine never been trigger after I enter some chars from teraterm.I do believe I setup the ISR in .s file and enable ISR...

STM32F030K6 stack problem

hii am trying to make a new project on STM32F030K6 but, after i start and pause debug, a message appears : The stack pointer for stack 'CSTACK' (currently 0x20000658) is outside the stack range (0x20000048 to 0x20000448)  . and the program stuck so...

H.Darwish by Associate II
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STM32 MCU to MQTT server using( ESP8266)

I am trying to connect my microcontroller STM32F429IGT to CloudMQTT using ESP8266 wifi module. Our wifi module has successfully connected to the router when I tried to connect to MQTT server using AT Command it is not getting connected. It is showin...

Resolved! While integrating SD card with Stm32 in SDIO, FATFS. How can i make the text enter in new line? and also how can i save an integer not characther, How can that be feasible?

I am referring to FATFS library1.I tried to use \n and \t it didnt work. i wanted to make text appear in a new line. 2. in the memory card i wanted to store a vairable integer, How can i do that? As of now i could able to save only character. In FATF...

Apill by Senior
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Where to find time.h library for STM32

I'm looking to implement an RTC on the STM32F411 and with an STM32L083 and would like to use a time library (mostly) for converting between date/time and epoch time. Does ST provide these libraries or can I find them somewhere?

Konami by Senior II
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