User Activity

Created a new project on known-good hardware and attempted to debug. Upon launch, I get this message window:'Launching TestProject Debug' has encountered a problem.Error in final launch sequence:Error in initializing ST-LINK device.Reason: (13) Unkn...
I implemented a USB MSD using an external SPI flash device on my STM32F105 board. Windows can see this drive, format it, and use it. Besides being slow, it works perfectly under Windows.The FAT file system driver on the board can open and read file...
I have a 4MB SPI Flash chip attached to an STM32F105 CPU that I would like to make into a Mass Storage Controller over USB. I made and built a Cube project.At first, I thought I had to modify the functions in user_diskio.c. This did nothing. I the...
I can build and run a program fine through IAR, but this board will not run when powered from a PC without using the IAR debugger. I assume this has something to do with the bootloader.