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Dear Sir,I kindly ask you what is the quiescent current value of the driver with EN=HIGH (chip enable) and Vs up to 24V; into the datasheet at page 8/14 is written 2mA max @ Vs<=14V, what should be the maximum value with Vs equal 24V?On page 10/14 is...
Dear all,I've finished my board and application around the L6480H stepper driver and cSPIN library, all is fine, but now I have to add at my application the boot loader feature in order to achieve the in-field firmware update possibility (attached a ...
Hi all,using the STEVAL-PCC009V2 demo board I've connected an external EEPROM 24LC02 to this board by means of the I2C1 peripheral through the lines PB6 (SCL) and PB7 (SDA), these lines are available through the connector J2 (30 pin connectors on boa...
Hi all,I'm developing a bipolar stepper motor application by means of a STEVAL-PCC009V2 + EVAL6480H boards coupled together.My application have to follow a position by means of an incremental encoder that is connected to the encoder quadrature module...
Dear all,I'm checking if a variable assignement is atomic or not. I know that are many stuff on this subject but I need to approach from a low level perspective to better know what happen under the scene and then have better control of my code.To do ...
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