Hi. I am interfacing GSM module with STM32L432kc MCU. I am using UART receive interrupt to receive data from GSM and it's working fine. But at some instance UART receive interrupt is not called even when there is data on UART Receive line. Below I a...
when there's no emluator connected, my program works ok. But when I have my emluator connected, my program will immediately recover from stop mode or may even not enter into stop mode? Do somebody has same experience and give me some ideas?
I am using STM32L432 with HAL library. I am programming ADC1 Channel 16 (i.e. PB1) as analog input signal. I have initialized ADC as Analog WatchDog-1 with Interrupt and without DMA, so that I dont have to continuously monitor my input voltage, if my...
Hi,I am trying to use W25Q128FV QSPI on STM32F767II series, i have difficulties so i need help.If somebody has standart *.stldr file for W25Q128FV or MT25QL128A, that would be appreciated.Thanks
Hello,I have a strange problem with a 16 bit DMA transfer memory to peripheral on STM32F439, using Nucleo F439ZI.My goal is to create a sequence of pulses with different pulse widths. I use a timer (TIM2), set its prescaler and set Ch1 to toggle on m...
Posted on March 31, 2018 at 18:03Can a STM32H7 capture 12-bits raw bayer progressive video data? For instance, from an OV5642 image sensor?I'm looking at the reference manual of the MCU. It can be found from the following link.http://www.st.com/cont...
I have a STM32f042k6 Nucleo board on wich I am trying to setup the CAN Bus without success. I am using the HAL_Libraries. My programm halts at HAL_CAN_Init(&hcan); static void MX_CAN_Init(void){ hcan.Instance = CAN; hcan.Init.Prescaler = 8; hcan.Init...