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Forum Posts

Hello, guys! I have problem with STM32L0 ADC. I measure VrefInt voltage but the behaviour of the ADC is not stable - it reports corect values(4095) alongside with incorrect values (1950)?! Would you please help me.

Initialization:static void MX_ADC_Init(void){ ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig;  /**Configure the global features of the ADC (Clock, Resolution, Data Alignment and number of conversion)  */ hadc.Instance = ADC1; hadc.Init.OversamplingMode = DISABLE; ha...

LMehm by Associate II
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Encoder Interface on TIM2-TIM5

Posted on November 20, 2012 at 15:48Hello, I am having difficulty configuring the quadrature encoder interface on timers 2 through 5.  I have successfully configured the encoder interface on timers 1 and 8, using the code below: TIM_TimeBaseInitType...

Resolved! DMA1, 2 and DMAMUX - how to do it?

Hello,I am porting a project from STM32F4 to STM32H7. This project uses DMA1 and DMA2 with timer 8 and DAC and it works fine on STM32F4 but I can't get DMA running on STM32H7. Up to now I understood it this way that all I have to do is set the right ...

What‘s the actual GBW of OPAMP in STM32F303?

(yellow line: non inverting inputblue line: output of OPAMP )Hi,I am using the NUCLEO-F303RE board and now I am testing the OPAMP3 , which is one of the peripherals in STM32F303. I have set the PA1 as non inverting input, PB2 as inverting input. And...

KMak by Associate
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SPI frame longer than 16 bits with stm32f103

Hi,I need to perform write and read operations on an external flash memory through spi protocol.The spi peripheral in the stm32f103 can be configured to 8 or 16 bits data frame lenght. I would like to be able to send longer frames. Is it a possible s...

abcdef by Associate
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