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Forum Posts

Trigger ADC by timer

I'm having some difficulty getting this to work. This post is a very good description of the my confusion: the conclusion is not helpful. TRGO upda...

Lee3 by Associate III
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ST-LINK V2 Can not connect to target! Help Me!!

Posted on August 22, 2016 at 14:52Hi All,Connect the pins were as follows: SWD ST-LINK V2 and between MCU.1:VDD - VDD3:GND - GND7:SWDIO - PA13_SWDIO 9:SWCLK - PA14_SWCLKPDR_ON: 10k pull-upBOOT0: 10k pull-downBYPASS_REG: 10k pull-downVCAP: 2.2uF GNDV...

sim20 by Associate II
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Resolved! Beginner problems with 2xSPI and RTC

Hello, may someone help me with these peripherals? I have never used them on any ARM.I am using STM32F051C6T8 in this project.My setup, I have two shift register chains connected to SPI peripherals. I am using two peripherals, because two types of re...

Output Two ADC Channels Over UART

I'm using the nucelo STM32F446RE dev board and attempting to output two ADC channels over UART (technically I think it's USART). I Can see in the debug tab that I'm reading the ADC channels correctly. I had been reading out one channel over UART 2 (t...

PAbdu by Associate II
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How to create an fsdata.c file

trying to create a simple web page. I am using an fsdata.c file from one of the example projects and everything seems to be working. Now, I created a simple html file and need to convert it to an fsdata.c file. I have looked up this topic at vario...

IAgui by Associate II
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STM32F7, QUADSPI and the data cache - odd behaviour

Posted on June 12, 2018 at 12:41Hi all,I have a board using the STM32F765, which uses the QSPI interface to fetch data from an FPGA. The normal sequence of operation is: A timer in the FPGA causes it to perform a sequence of events which produce a ...

andy by Associate II
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STM32F4xx InputCapture and DMA

Posted on March 29, 2017 at 12:59MCU: STM32F446REBOARD: NUCLEO-64 STM32F446STM32 CUBEMX Version:4.20.0Library: STM43F4 1.15.0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

Zt Liu by Senior III
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