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Hi, I got a problem when I use the Ethernet TCP stack and hope someone can help me figure it out.I am using tcpecho protocol to communicate between PC and the board. PC send the command and board response with the data. If I just send 64 bytes, as: ...
I need create the fsdata for my http server. I see there makefsfile or fcarm.exe can converter to c file, but I cannot fine where to get these files. Tried to search online but no result. Any one can tell me where to download them?
Hello,I am working on the customized board with MCU STM32F767 + + LAN8742A + freeRTOS. The USB MSC host was working if no TCP server code was added. But when I add the TCP code, MSC is not working any more.The code is as below:if tcpip_init(NULL, NU...
I am starting to use stm32f7 + freertos +USBFS MSC stack in the produce, but never work. I start from CubeMX, and it works if no freeRtos. The file can be written and opened without a problem, but with the FreeRtos, the code always stuck in the file-...
Hello,I am using the STM32F7 in my project, which uses the CAN1. I create the project from cubemx and connect it to a STM32F4 evaluation board to test. I can see the Can signal via the oscillations cope after the transceiver, but no interrupt can be ...