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Greetings. I'm trying to use the IDE to have builds of a common app for several of the L0/G0 lines, both to leverage my code from an older other-party SoC as well as compare STM32 low-power solutions against one another.E.g. allow the IDE/MX to conti...
In a word: I seem to have damaged the flash on an STM32F0 Discovery board by attaching external power.DetailsI had peripherals attached to the STM32F030R8-Discovery board that required more than 100mA @ 3V available from the Discovery's on-board regu...
Once downloaded, the exits immediately.If launched with sudo (from a command shell) an error is reported:$ sudo open -a ~/Downloads/en.STM32CubeMX_v5-2-0/ Password: LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed for...