How to compile with TrueSTUDIO onto a blue pill board?
I've not been able to find anything that explicitly shows how to use TrueSTUDIO to compile onto a board, how do you do this???
I've not been able to find anything that explicitly shows how to use TrueSTUDIO to compile onto a board, how do you do this???
What is the best way to set up FD CAN in classic mode on stm32 nucleo h743zi board?Currently, I'm using FDCAN with 16 Mhz frequency on the bus and I want to get 500kbit/s.My settings are:hfdcan1.Init.NominalPrescaler=2;hfdcan1.Init.NominalSyncJumpWid...
I'm toggling an I/O in the SYSTICK interrupt every 0.5 seconds with the processor running at 168MHz and using an RTC interrupt to wake the CPU from sleep. This all works well and the processor wakes up after the programmed interval. As per the HAL ...
Hi All,I need to enable interrupt on GPIO PC0 only for 1sec: before and later interrupt form PC0 must be ignored.I've tried with disable the interrupt at the init and enable in a thread, wait for 1 sec and then disable again, but it doesn't work!stat...
I'm evaluating the STM32H742x and its cousins. My design has four identical high bandwidth SPI based analog front-end peripherals, each peripheral with its own MOSI and MISO. I would like to command them with in a concurrent fashion (analogous to SIM...
I am reading the example code F303C_EVAL / F303E_EVAL and I don't understand it.Why is stereo half of total size?
In the datasheet for STM32F4, the first page says “Up to 109 fast I/Os up to 100Mhz�? and Block diagram on page 18 shows AHB 1 bus 100MHz connecting to GPIO ports. Whereas in STMf2 https://www....
static void MX_ADC1_Init(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC1_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END ADC1_Init 0 */ ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig; /* USER CODE BEGIN ADC1_Init 1 */ /* USER CODE END ADC1_Init 1 */ /** Configure the global featur...
I'm using the STM32L152. At certain points in my code I go into STOP mode. It seems to come out immediately. I'm not sure what interrupt or event is causing this. Is there any indication somewhere what event caused the processor to change modes? Than...
Hello ,I have recently bought a Nucleo-144 with an STM32F303ZE . Ive been testing out basic programmes including ADCs and I am new to STM32 and embedded in general .Problem:I need to sample 4 channel input Intermediate Frequency(2MHz signal , and i ...