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Problem regarding programming NOR flash via OCTOSPI

I am using STM32L4R5 and S25FL128L (quadspi) NOR flash interfaced over OCTOSPI. Currently we are using single channel for erase, read and write operations. Read and erase operations seems working fine. But we are facing issue for write/program operat...

JohnG by Associate
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F429: is DMA burst length of 2 possible?

I have an application, which uses 2 channels of TIM1 to drive a full bridge d-class power stage in order to generate a sinusoidal signal. FSW is 200kHz. The CCR1 and CCR2 registers of TIM1 have to be updated at sampling frequency, so I am using TIM8 ...

Input Capture Mode- STM32 MAT Target

Hello everybody,I want to measure   the duty Cycle of a PWM Signal in Simulink. . I have managed it to  generate a  PWM signal with Simulink and STM32 MAT-Target. The problem is  now when build  a simple model to generate the code, the lines between ...

Samuel1 by Associate III
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