User Activity

I am trying to determine the cause of resets happening in my application. It does not seem like the RCC->CSR register is working properly.I tested this out by manually grounding the NRST pin and setting a break point in my code before main(). The CSR...
We have been using an STM32L476 in a product that schedules periodic wake times. Recently we have discovered a bug where the unit will go to sleep and never wake back up. What we have noticed is after generating another interrupt to wake the unit up ...
I am trying to implement a procedure to update firmware in a STM32L476 by jumping to the bootloader from user code. I am able to connect Boot0 to 3,3V and enter the bootloader just fine. But trying to jump there from user code seems to be giving some...
I am using a STM32L476. I am using the counter mode on the low power timer to generate an interrupt after a given period. When I am in run mode, this interrupt works just fine. However, when I use the interrupt to try and wake the MCU from Stop2, I g...
I am trying to achieve the lowest power consumption possible when entering Stop2 mode with the STM32L476. I have verified that all of my GPIO are in the correct state before entering Stop2 mode. I am also very confident that it is not any external ci...
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