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Strange post? one post has been "hidden"? (11 vs 12)

S.Ma by Principal
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reset stm32f412 fail

Hi friends . I have a new board developed with STM32F412Z 144 pins, I have a problem with Nreset of microcontroller . I tried to mount a simple reset circuit so as suggest by ST. a simple capacitors with pullup 4K7 and push button reset that c...

aacqu by Associate
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CAN is not functional after ACK error

We are using STM32L4A6VGTx MCU. In this for CAN we are receiving error multiple times (ACK error, EPV error, EWG error). Due to this we are not able to transmit and receive on CAN bus. Please let us know how to reset the errors, so that CAN will be f...

AGupt.11 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F429: White screen, flashing COM LED

Posted on August 03, 2017 at 22:55Hi guys, total newb question here: A few weeks back I got a STM32F429.  Immediately when I received it, I plugged it in and played with the demo software which seemed to work fine.  Busy with other things, I stored ...


STM32H7 Secure User Software

I'm planning out a bootloader for the STM32H743zi. I'd like to store two identical images in banks 1 and 2 of flash, and my preference would be to check validity of an image (and copy over a bad image) inside the secure user software section of sys...

bpentz by Associate II
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understanding the current consumption in run mode

I am trying to understand the current consumption in run mode of STM32L063x8 reading the data sheet (DocID025660 Rev 7).According to the cover page the current consumption of the MCU is 88uA/MHz in run mode and the maximal Frequency is 32MHz, therefo...

Resolved! SAFERTOS & STM32F7 vs STM32H7

Hello,Is it possible to use STM32F746 based application with STM32H743 board ?What we actually need is to use SAFERTOS with stm32h743.The problem is that HighIntegritySystems seems to provide safeRTOS demos only with STM32H7 (according to their web s...

ranran by Senior II
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