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Running STM32F407 Program on STM32F429 .

I am new to ARM cortex programming .Following is my program , code is generated using stm32cubemx (board : stm32f407vgtx) and then shifted to Eclipse. I was wondering , If this program will successfully load and run on stm32F429ZITX.If there are any ...

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Problems with speex on STM32L151CBU6A with 32MHz

Hello. I've got a problem with Speex decoder. Is it possible to run Speex decoder WIDEBAND 16kHz or ULTRA_WIDEBAND 32MHz on STM32L151CBU6A on 32MHz? Narrowband 8kHz is running perfectly, but it's only 8kHz quality, so I want to have a little better. ...

MPole by Associate II
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STLink V3 host API

In the UM2448 in the 11.5 section the following is present:The STLINK-V3SET implements an USB interface dedicated to bridge functions from USBto SPI/I2C/CAN/UART/GPIOs of ST microcontroller target. This interface is firstly used bySTM32CubeProgrammer...

Multiple ADC channel using DMA STM32L100Rc

Hi, I'm trying to read multiple ADC on DMA channel on the STM32L100RC, but I can't make it work. I already looked for a lot of similar example, but nothing seems to work as the STM32L100RC uses library differently than most other STM32. Here is what...

NBroc by Associate
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Nucleo Boards Capabilities / peripherals table?

Hello,I've been trying to determine which Nucleo board will best fit a project on the drawing board. I've been searching to find a table listing all the board models, their CPUs, peripherals, etc. in order to make the decision easier. Can anyone po...

EXTI event. Se what event woke the MCU?

I'm using multiple external events through GPIO to wake the MCU from sleep. How can I check what source caused the event? Is there a register that I can read? What I understand is that the WFE instruction also clears the event register so I assume a...

sima2 by Associate III
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Running code from external SRAM on STM32f429

Hello, I would like to know if its possible on the STM32f429 to run code from an external SRAM. Since no QSPI connection is available on this MCU, the alternative would be using the FMC.I was only able to find an application note (AN5188) on this top...

NMaun by Associate
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stm32f103xg.h IS_TIM_SLAVE_INSTANCE() bug???

Posted on March 06, 2018 at 10:33According to RM008 DocID13902 Rev 17 page 447/1133  TIM9 supports 'External clock mode 1'TIM9/12 slave mode control register (TIMx_SMCR)Bits 6:4 TS: Trigger selection This bit field selects the trigger input to be us...