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Hello,I have problems with custom designed board. After soldering everything(w/o IC1,IC3) I flashed my firmware. USB device completely unrecognized.I have soldered 1k5 resistor on 3V3 and D+. After connecting to computer I was able to see serial outp...
Hello,I am trying to switch system clock on H743ZI to PPL1. Using following code, it hangs up on checking SWS flag - clock switch begins, but never ends.I have tried setting domain prescalers before or after clock switch. The same for flash latency.I...
Hello, may someone help me with these peripherals? I have never used them on any ARM.I am using STM32F051C6T8 in this project.My setup, I have two shift register chains connected to SPI peripherals. I am using two peripherals, because two types of re...
Posted on May 31, 2018 at 09:29Hello,I am trying to receive data from, it should output 9600bd. MCU is STM32F030K6T6. Rx/Tx are crossed as they should be, connected to USART1 (PA2/PA3). I am ...