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Hi,I'm working with an STM32L073RZ on a custom board, using MbedOS 5.12.0 bare metal. The board is a very low power weigh scale that is normally in Standby mode and is awoken by an accelerometer (connected to PC_13), an NFC chip (connected to PA_0). ...
Hi there,I'm working with an STM32L073RZ CPU and Mbed OS 5.12.0 and experiencing an issue that I'm not quite sure how to describe. The processor gets into a state whereby it oscillates a pin (PA_5 which is setup as an InterruptIn that pulls down) and...
Hi there, I'm trying to debug an application running on a custom board with an STM32L073RZ on board. I can connect to the board and programme it using both STM32 ST-Link Utility and STM32CubeProgrammer. I'm using a JTAG to SWD adapter board.However, ...
I'm working with an STM32L073RZ on a custom board. The board is in STOP mode and I have a pin (PB_5) configured as a rising edge interrupt. I'm using ARM Mbed OS 5.12.0 but primarily working with the HAL API. The code I have so far is below. It simpl...