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I was trying to test the capability of the STSAFE-A110 chip to store and verify a password, but it didn't work.StSafeA_PutAttribute() returned STSAFEA_UNSATISFIED_ACCESS_CONDITION.StSafeA_VerifyPassword() returned STSAFEA_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND.I'm not sure...
I'm using a dual-core STM32H745 MCU running firmware on CM7 core that is able to jump to the built-in bootloader in system memory on an external command. After a FW update via the bootloader, I can jump to the newly updated firmware on CM7 core to r...
I followed this article by @Khouloud GARSI​ and was unable to get the function to jump to the bootloader working. The application seems to freeze after I execute the function given in the article and the bootloader doesn't ACK my messages until I re...
When I create a new project in CubeMx 5.3.0 for the STM32H745-DISCO board with or without default peripheral initialization and configure, for example, pins PA8 and PF8 as GPIO_Output, they appear on the list of GPIO pins, but the function MX_GPIO_In...
The following code is generated for IAR by CubeMx 5.3.0 in FreeRTOSConfig.h file for the STM32H745-DISCO board with FreeRTOS added on the CM7 core with TIM16 selected for the CM4 timebase source and TIM17 selected for the CM7 timebase source:/* IMPOR...
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