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Forum Posts

stack pointer initialization

Hi,I'm pretty new to ARM processor and STM32 microcontroller, so my question is very basic.In the startup file for a SW4STM32 project (eg startup_stm32f446xx.s) the stack pointer is set in Reset_Handler with the lineldr  sp, =_estack     /* set stack...

MViti.6 by Associate
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ARM RTOS C/C++ Newbie

Hi,I have experience of 16bit microchip micros using embedded C, and i am about to move across to ARM RTOS C++. I have narrowed my chip vendor down to ST. As i am starting from zero on ARM development, could you offer advice on which is the easiest d...

JHerl by Associate II
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Stm32L486 ADC3_CCR

Hi,As for the STM32L486, it have 3 ADCs. Is There only 1 ADC common registers ADCx_CCR (x=1,2,3) for all or individual for each ADCx?In IAR IDR Arm8.32.2, the SFR setup information states that it is only one ADC_ CCR for both 3 (atached picture). Thu...

VTran by Associate
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How can I implement reset button functionality without actually pressing the Reset button on the board and using some special pins on the STM32F446RE Nucleo board to do so?

I need to implement the reset button functionality without pressing the reset button by using, maybe, a GPIO pin on the STM board by giving HIGH or LOW on a specific pin using a GPIO of the Raspberry Pi. How can I do that?

SSoni by Associate III
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Running QSPI Samples on STM32F7 EVAL board

I'm trying to run the QSPI samples from the STMCube_FW_F7_V1.15.0 package on my STM32F7779I-EVAL board. They run with no error but there's point where the data read back is compared to the data written and they never match. I tried both the interrupt...

LRodr by Associate
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