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Forum Posts

How do I generate 'N' PWM pulses on TIM2 CH4.

I have inherited a PCBA that needs to generate a fixed number of PWM pulses on TIM2 CH4.I have successfully setup TIM1 as the Master (with repetition count = 0) and TIM4 as a Gated Slave.TIM1 CH1 is generating 2kHz PWM indefinitely.TIM2 CH4 is genera...

CStas by Associate
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Resolved! VCAP layout

I'm sure everyone else has noticed how the two pins to VCAP seem to be placed just over a complete side of the package away so there is bound to be some resistance/inductance in the tracking. I was wondering if anybody has ever hit problems with thi...

MikeDB by Lead
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What is primary risk for STM32F427 ADC if VDDA-VREF+ exceeds 1.2V max recommended operating difference by 300mv. Our system VDD=3.3V, VDDA=3.3V, VREF+=1.8V, Accuracy lost? IC damage?

DocID024030 Rev 9 states:4. If VREF+ pin is present, it must respect the following condition: VDDA-VREF+ < 1.2 V.Normally, I would just make changes to satisfy, but a change at present product development stage is very costly. Using LQFP144 pkg if ...

JEsko by Associate II
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I cant program my controller using st-link V2.

Hi,    I am using stm32f103vc(100pin-LQFP) controller in my board while i try to program my board using st link v2 programmer it shows error message like "dev target held under reset".Programming pin connected as follows.SWCLK--->PA14SWDIO--->PA13GND...

SB1 by Associate II
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Transfer Data Program via SPI to FPGA

Hi there,i want to implement my MCU to program a FPGA via SPI. Is there any helpful guidelines on this topic? I am a newbie with STM and i hope that someone can help me here.Thanks in advance.

arduo by Senior
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Resolved! Where can I get GCC linker scripts and register files?

Hi all,I am looking for Gnu C linker scripts. I found linker scripts inside the Cube bloatware after waiting 2 hours for the download to finish (yes, not everybody has Gigabit internet) but:they don't work with GCC. For example __data_start is not...

hugo1 by Associate II
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SPL2LL Converter F4 to L0?

I am trying to Convert my code, running on a NUCLEO F411RE Board to a NUCLEO L053R8 Board.There is a Datasheet "AN5044", so i followed the instructions. I choosed the source directory and the destination directory and started the convertion. I got 77...