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Forum Posts

Input Capture Mode- STM32 MAT Target

Hello everybody,I want to measure   the duty Cycle of a PWM Signal in Simulink. . I have managed it to  generate a  PWM signal with Simulink and STM32 MAT-Target. The problem is  now when build  a simple model to generate the code, the lines between ...

Samuel1 by Associate III
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Printf in Atollic still doesn't work correctly

Hi,I am using the Nucleo-H743ZI, when trying to printf a buffer I see lots of data missing. Even when just trying to printf a counter I see the same issue, I tried it in Atollic as well as ST_LINK and I get same issue.I saw many issues in the past an...

SZoha by Associate II
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Resolved! Uart parity issue.

Hi, I am running a STML433 with external xtal. I have a serial port that works fine when I set the parity to NONE (I set the port to 9600 baud No parity 8bits 1stop bit). And works well , as expected. I have to set it to parity even (set to 9600 bau...