Resolved! C programming steps to auto set PID gains Kp,Ki,Kd using STM32 ?
i want to set PID gains by auto tuning process how can i achieve this by using STM32 C code or any eample ?
i want to set PID gains by auto tuning process how can i achieve this by using STM32 C code or any eample ?
Hello everybody,I want to measure the duty Cycle of a PWM Signal in Simulink. . I have managed it to generate a PWM signal with Simulink and STM32 MAT-Target. The problem is now when build a simple model to generate the code, the lines between ...
its in the datasheet but cant find it anywere
Hello,I think following things in 2.4 Timer output compare mode are wrong:3d) Enable the capture / compare output by writing CCxE in CCMRx register.should read Enable the capture / compare output by writing CCxE in CCERx register.and CCx update rate ...
#include "main.h" #include "stm32f4xx_hal.h" UART_HandleTypeDef huart2; void SystemClock_Config(void); static void MX_GPIO_Init(void); static void MX_USART2_UART_Init(void); char buffer[8]; int i = 6; int main(void) HAL_Init(); ...
/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file : main.c * @brief : Main program body *****************************************************************...
Hi,I am using the Nucleo-H743ZI, when trying to printf a buffer I see lots of data missing. Even when just trying to printf a counter I see the same issue, I tried it in Atollic as well as ST_LINK and I get same issue.I saw many issues in the past an...
Hi,I'm working on porting a project from the Nucleo-F411 to a custom PCB. Everything works fine when setting the HCLK to 60MHz and below (running from the internal HSI RC clock and PLL), but i'm getting Hard and Usage Faults when setting the HCLK to ...
Hi, I am running a STML433 with external xtal. I have a serial port that works fine when I set the parity to NONE (I set the port to 9600 baud No parity 8bits 1stop bit). And works well , as expected. I have to set it to parity even (set to 9600 bau...