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Resolved! STSW-LINK009 Software ZIP file

Hello, ST community, I am having trouble installing a Batch file from the STSW-LINK009 Software ZIP file. I am on a Macbook Pro M2, running Parallels Windows 11. When I try to download the "stlink_winusb_install" batch file I get a pop-up saying that...

64-Bit Verison POP-UP.png
alan29 by Associate
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I2C errors handling in EFT

 Hi,I am working with stm32g491re.I am communicating with TCA9537(Ioexpander) from stm32 through I2C. It will control a realy. For my product EFT(Electrical Fast Transient) testing, After starting EFT teat relay getting turned off and not recovering....


STM32H743 RTC Clock configuration failure

Hello, I'm working on STM32H743BIT6, It is in production phase. During flashing the software, it is failed to configure LSE crystal with internal RTC enabled. out of 50 boards 2 board got failed.During debug it is observed that the RTC clock configur...

SPI between mcu

@Erwan SZYMANSKI I am trying to establish SPI communication between two STM boards: the Nucleo G431RB as the master and the STM32MP157F-DK2 as the slave. I followed the instructions provided in the Getting Started with SPI guide and configured the se...

nesnes by Associate III
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Use MOSFETS with STM32 to power up sensors

Hello everyone! I want to use some MOSFETS to individually power up/down sensors on a PCB. Here's the schematics :  The MOSFET is a DMG1012T-7 (N-Channel) and here's it's datasheet :

yaxsomo by Associate III
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Resolved! CAN Write State issue

Dear, I am trying to run the CAN Communication in STM32F407 discovery board, In CAN_INIT I have made controller state to Ready after that I have changed the controller state from ready to LISTENING in CAN_START function,   but when I am trying to exe...

Resolved! Undocumented behavior of capture/compare registers

Hello,I tried to set a capture/compare register to a value beyond that of the auto-reload register, and the timer I used (TIM8) behaved as if the value had not been written. Reading back gives the expected value though. I haven't dug more but I'm cur...

rbraun by Associate II
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Resolved! OTG_HPRT>PENCHNG bit in STM32H743

[Not a bug report, explanation below, first post kept for context]I'm writing a USB host library for the STM32H743 rev V. Bits PENA and PENCHNG of register OTG_HPRT represent Port enable and Port enable/disable change. Port enable is supposed to be a...

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JBernard by Associate II
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