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Resolved! Graph

Hi, any provision to plot array data in real-time during debug using F439 Nucleo?Please guide

GauravK by Senior
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Resolved! STM32U575ZITxQ Port G GPIO Issue

I have just started evaluating the STM32U575ZIT6QU for a project that my company is working on.While attempting to evaluate the I2C pins for I2C1 on pings PG13 & PG14, I noticed that the pins would not work correctly and would stay low, even with int...

Resolved! RTC Drift

Hi,I have a custom board by STM32H743 and have some problems by RTC. I've used LSE with a 32.768 KHz external crystal. I have 2 or 3 seconds more in each minute. There is no reset within 3 minute and I see about 15 second more.I've used 6.8 pF for CL...

MHaji.1 by Senior
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Resolved! USBX MSC + FileX + NAND Flash - Windows I/O

Hello,I am building and application with a STM32U575 and a 4Gb NAND Flash. What I am trying to achieve now is to upload files from my PC through USB and then used these file within the STM32 using FileX.I already managed to set up FileX and LevelX to...

Pepils by Associate II
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Resolved! Problem with selecting HSE as system clock

Hi Every one.When i am trying to write CS bit of RCC_CFGR register of STM32G491RE MCU to select HSE as a system clock (i.e 10) it changes to 11 (01 is default so i guess i am not able to clear these bits before assigning new value). Can anyone tell m...

srbhktyr by Associate II
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Resolved! systick handler keep pending on stm32h7 board.

I made a project with stm32h7 board, and use pemicro multlink to debug it under keil. I found it keep in systick handler pending but no active.I checked systick module register as:the counter is changed.and then I checked SCB releate registers asand ...

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