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HiCan you tell me how I can calculate a value for ARR for timer 2(32bit timer) and timer3(16bit timer)I am using STM32F407 APB1 timer clock is 12MHz prescaler is 6
Hi I want to understand "which register decides whether HSI or HSE oscillator is selected for PLL clock source in STM32F407"(selection of the HSI or HSE oscillator as PLL clock source"B.RAsh
Hi I am using STM32F407 I want to make IRQ handler for busOff inetrrupt so can I use CAN1_SCE for bus OFF interrupt? B.R Ash
HiMy board is STM32F407G so I want to understand the tx mailbox callback once interrupt hit I am sharing project in which I am sending CAN1 to CAN2 and CAN2 to CAN1 in loop back mode same ID.So rxindication is working fine and this is the project I g...
Hi I am using STM32F407 evb in which I have configured both CAN1 and CAN2 ,I am sendind CAN1(3 ids 501,502,503) and vice versa from CAN2 same I am sending but I am ble to recive all three id on CAN2 Rx but only one ID iam receving on CAN1(501) .I am ...
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