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HiI am new at CAN communication protocol and working with STM32f407. I used example to run fist communication. I can receive and transmit frames.But the problem is, when a frame is sent from first board to other board, second board goes to ISR receiv...
Hi.I am beginner in RTOS. I want to use A semaphore that release for push button. Another task use this semaphore to toggle kernel of RTOS started, the LED was toggled once. I checked when I created Semaphore, it's count is one.what Can I do?...
Posted on March 07, 2018 at 22:25HiI use stm32f407 to communicat with rs485.I use DMA to transmit data. For controllig dirction pin, I check the USART_FLAG_TC. Whet it is set, I will push Dirction pin low and clear the USART_FLAG_TC by writing with ...
Posted on December 12, 2017 at 07:36HelloI want connect stm32f746 to av camera and show the camera picture or video on Lcd.Can anybody suggest how i can do it?Also can i use hdmi to show the video or picture on lcd with stm32f746?Tanks
Posted on November 25, 2017 at 22:05Hi, I am working in stm32f746 discovery board. I want to drive the Lcd. At initialize step, I have to use the BSP_LCD_LayerDefaultInit(uint16_t layerIndex, uint32_t FB_Address).I dont know what  is FB_Address? Can...