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Forum Posts

exit Standby mode delay with iwdg and rtc.

MCU: STM32H750exit Standby mode delay with iwdg and rtc.I find when I enable iwdg it seems will delay 1 second when exit standby mode. After trace code, I find it is hang in HAL_RTC_Init(),the RTC_EnterInitMode() will check weather the hrtc->Instance...

GChu by Associate
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ADC in Low power run mode

Hi,I have configured ADC like  ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig;  /**Configure the global features of the ADC (Clock, Resolution, Data Alignment and number of conversion)   */ hadc.Instance = ADC1; hadc.Init.OversamplingMode = DISABLE; hadc.Init.ClockP...

Resolved! What books should I read to understand ARM MCU's?

Hi guys, I am in 12th grade and very interested in electronics. Ever since I knew about ARM microcontrollers (especially STM32 ARM MCU's) I've always wanted to build my projects using ARM MCU's, but I am unable to understand the technical information...

Sashvat by Associate II
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SDRAM Extended Mode Register Write

I am using an STM32F769NI with a MT48H16M32LFB5-6 SDRAM chip, everything works fine. we are looking to set the drive strength to 1/4, 1/2 and full to evaluate the effect on EMC testing. From what I read in the programming manual, it states to perform...

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gvigelet by Associate II
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Why is Arduino / Nucleo F103RB Losing Code Space?

I have been using the Arduino 1.8.9 app for several months programming the Nucleo-F103RB development board with my application. I have several boards and some are self powered and others USB powered. Yesterday, on a self-powered board, I received a ...

timl by Associate
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