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ADC of stm32f103c8 not working

i would like to switch the LED ON (PB0) when ADC is from above threshold value ''if (adcValue >2275)''and in case of below threshold it should switch LED ON (PB1)code showing no error in Keil , if you see any erroe plz highlight me thanks.//********...

ALE1 by Associate II
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STM32H743 LSE pins as GPIO - not working

Hi, I'm trying to use one from the following pins: PC 13,14,15, PI8, but not working. The code is CubeMX generated. clock for PORTC is enabled, no LSEON, no alternate function. I tried in OUTPUT_PP mode with pullup and without pullup. I think the PC1...

uprogc by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F091 - Bitbanding

We are porting a piece of software from STM32F1 to a STM32F091.One part of the software is using bit banding. But in the library heade is no definition for the bit danding area in the memory.I fear bit banding is not supported by this special device?...

TIM 1 config in matlab

Hi,how to enable UP under interrupt (as shown in figure), while setting us TIM1 in simulink file as below. Project config file

SPath by Associate II
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Can the EEPROM Emulation be used on STM32F446?

The Application note AN3969 describes a software solution for EEPROM Emulation on STM32F40x/STM32F41x devices.But it haven't mentioned that it can worked on other STM32F4 devices or not.So,can the EEPROM Emulation be used on STM32F446 or other STM32F...

RZhu by Associate
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HardFault EEPROM Emulation on STM32F767II

HiI am using the EEPROM Emulation on STM32F767II.Always when the FLASH_Erase_Sector() is called it gets a HardFault.This is my setting in eeprom.h:#define PAGE_SIZE              (uint32_t)0x8000 #define VOLTAGE_RANGE          (uint8_t)VOLTAGE_RANGE_3...

STM32F103RB:Error message from debugger back end: Error finishing flash operation allocating const in Flash at fixed address using __attribute__((section (".UserDataSector")))

Hello.please may i have your help?I have the error on the final part of debug launching only when i declare const uint16_t __attribute__((section (".UserDataSector"))) out_val_register[64];//= {0x1234,0x1235,0x1238,0x3333};in .ld file /* Specify the...