User Activity

Hi!I'm using STM32CubeMX 4.24.0 (I know, extremely old but I need this version to be able to follow along a course) and JRE 1.8.0_351 on Ubuntu 20.04.It seems the tool cannot find updates or other necessary STM32 Cube packages, with the following err...
Hi,I'm working with DMA on an STM32F745. I have enabled a DMA interrupt for Transfer Complete on SPI RX, when the data is ready to be read. To do this, I set the TCIE bit in the DMA_SCR register. In the interrupt routine I read the data and I disable...
Hi,I'm really struggling with the simplest possible way to use SPI with STM32F745 as a master and a MPU6000 as a slave - no interrupts, no DMA, just plain while loops and busy waiting.Problem: I can't get it to work, the SCK signal is plain dead!Code...
Hi,I've been working on programming my STM32F745 for some months now, step by step playing with the different peripherals. So far so good. I've been also doing step-by-step debugging with OpenOcd and STLink V2.Today things started to look a bit weird...
Hi,I'm trying to implement a `delay(microseconds)` function on an STM32 F745 running at 216 MHz. I want to keep it dummy and simple without involving interrupts. My strategy is as follows:-Setup TIM2 to run at 1 MHz. Since it has a 32-bit counter it ...