Thanks for your reply. I appreciate that the "SD Loop" is my loop, regardless of library usage, I was mearly pointing out that this is whare the HardFault_Handler problem was being generated. My question was really how do I find out what the problem ...
I have the same problem with my Nucleo-64 STM32L476RG. You cannot ignore this as it will not compile the "MX_FATFS_Config()". It comes up with a warning message when you try to compile.
D/C is Duty Cycle. It is expressed in percent.I want to change the D/C depending on the MPPT point of a 375watt 90Vdc solar panel array feeding a load via a PCB with a full H-Bridge at a frequency of 25KHz.My system will start off with a low value of...
STM32L476. 25KHz PWM with a variable (internally defined) D/C. Setting D/C to 1.5uS (120 clock cycles) or leaving it at zero has no effect on the output waveform. It defaults as "complementary"