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Forum Posts

I had problem about flash memory

Hello.In STM32H7S7L8HXH_flash_default_app.ld, it is set to __FLASH_BEGIN = 0x08000000,In STM32H7S7L8HXH_RAMxspi1_ROMxspi2_app.ld, it is set to __FLASH_BEGIN = 0x70000000.In fact, 0x08000000 is not uploaded, and 0x70000000 is uploaded and works.Can I ...

jeidi by Associate
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Ask about the use of STM32U57XX MPU

Hi, the platform is STM32U57XQuestion:The variable is in the non secure area of SRAM.Why can't variable A in SRAM1 and variable B in SRAM2 assign values to each other after turning on MPU, otherwise it will trigger a hardware exception interrupt.Do y...

YunYang by Associate
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Update Firmware over USB Virtual Comm Port

Hello,I am using the STM32F373's virtual USB port successfully.  I can connect and send packets to the uC from a web browser.  I now want to allow the user to update the firmware from the web browser by uploading a file, instead of the traditional me...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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Free shipping ?

Dear Company,I bought eval board from e-shop. Order # ST36685. On Invoice is "Shipping & Handling (WS-STM32H73-EMEA-MAR25-2021) - $0.00" But today I receive invoice from ST - Invoice No: 60556478, and transfer fee is 350.44 USD. Total price for this...

SPrik by Associate II
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Resolved! TIM3 periodElapsedCallback never called

In my code, after setting an on-board LED, the timer is started like this. __HAL_TIM_SET_COUNTER(&htim3, 0); while(HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim3) != HAL_BUSY);In debugging mode, I saw that the CNT register was in fact incrementing, however in would al...

STM32F411 ADC DMA Output Issue

I have configured the ADC to use pins 1,2,3,4 for DMA transfer. I do get COM port output, however, I noticed that the outputted numbers aren't as they are supposed to be. The values for only 2 of the 4 pins change as they should. The other 2 do not.T...

dlaroche by Associate II
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UART Communication

Hi I am trying to commuicate between two boards through UART.One board is nucleof4 and other board is a processor.Im sending a data from nucleo to other board(where data gets displayed) through HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,(uint8_t*)"Connect",sizeof("Co...


Resolved! Ethernet MAC locks up when I flush the transmit FIFO

I have 2 boards, basically identical except one has PHY KSZ8091RNA and the other has KSZ8091RND.Both use the STM32F429NIH6.The only difference I can find in the two PHYs is that I need to set to set the REFCLOCK bit in KSZ8091RNA's PHYC2 register.  W...