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Resolved! STM32L433 LL SPI sending too much data (16 instead 8)

Hello. I need ability to send only 8 bit at the time. And I can't figure-out why I can send it, it keeps generating 16clocks no matter what LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(GPIOA,LL_GPIO_PIN_4); Delay(0x8); while((SPI1->SR&SPI_SR_TXE)!=SPI_SR_TXE); ...

Linas L by Senior II
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STM32H7 SDMMC IDMA write multiple blocks error

Dear all,I am working with the sdmmc lib from STM and i am trying to get it working in DS (Default Speed @25Mhz) with a CARD_SDHC_SDXC, CARD_ULTRA_HIGH_SPEED sd card.When I write multiple blocks with the IDMA for the first time it’s no problem and ev...

STM32F411RE UART not working with IAR debugger

I am currently learning to work with stm32f411re. I use PA9/10 as TX and RX with baud rate 9600 and 1 start 8 bit word and 1 stop without parity. I connected PA9/PA10 with FTDI to my PC and i am trying to send from serial terminal. Trying to do this ...

AVuji.1 by Associate
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I am using DWM1000 on a board with a microcontroller STM32L431CC. I am facing a strange issue when the battery becomes weak and can’t provide the power needed for DWM1000 initialization.

Hello,I am using DWM1000 on a board with a microcontroller STM32L431CC. I am facing a strange issue when the battery becomes weak and can’t provide the power needed for DWM1000 initialization.When the battery is too weak, the board resets because of ...

I am working on NUCLEO-F103RB (target STM32F103RB) with Keil uVision5. What I want to do is to trigger ADC1 injected group with TIM2 CC1 event every 10 microseconds, but it not work. Could anyone help me ?

I have written ADC1_2_ IRQ Handler ISR and TIM2_IRQHandler. TIM2_IRQHandler is executed but ADC1_2_IRQHandler it is not executed.I have also tried to trigger ADC1 injected group with JSWSTAR event and it works fine (ADC1_2_IRQHandler is executed).The...

Silvano by Associate II
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STM32L476 HAL_QSPI_Receive_DMA() hangs intermittently.

While doing heavy activity with a NAND flash, the code is generally working, but occasionally I get hung up waiting for an operation to finish. I trapped it on the logic analyzer several times, and it's never at the same time. In every instance the ...

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MMitc by Associate II
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