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Hello,I am using STM32H743 and imported the sample project LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS. Is there anyway to indicate the TCPIP is still alive or not in case the ethernet cable is disconnected?Thanks
Hello,I have a problem of f_read in the example project FatFS_uSD_Standalone that the function has never been return when trying to read an empty SD cards.The following Pseudocode can access sd successfully in the example project FatFS_uSD_Standalone...
Hello,I am using NUCLEO-H743ZI2 and running the project FatFS_uSD_Standalone with AdaFruit microSD. The TFT_ShieldDetect() is commented out because there is no LCD. The STM32.txt is successfully created and the text is successfully written into the f...
Hello, I am new to ST micro controller. We are now look for a suitable chip for our application. The STM32H747 has 4 ch I2C. Can I assign one I2C bus on CM4 core and another I2C bus on CM7 and these two I2C buses will talk to different system.Thanks,