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STM32F417 RTC_BKPXR Reset during power up

The RTC_BKPXR register is for recording power off status in our board, we make 10 boards, 4 boards works and 6 boards keep reset the RTC_BKPXR during power recycle, I check the Vbat, it is 2.91 Volt after power off which is correct.I use TureStudio t...

New.Fish by Associate III
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STM32 UART Baremetal

Hey guys, I've been playing around with STM32F334R8 Nucleo board's USART module. As a part of it, I have written a small bare-metal code to print a character and unfortunately, my code isn't working. I am seeing junk on my putty window sometimes and ...

HWin.1 by Associate
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STM32H745-DISCO odd SDRAM problem

Hi all,my SDRAM setup seems to work EXCEPT that I have a strange behavior:When I write any value (8, 16, 32 bit) to an address (example 0xd000004),it in fact gets written to the address - 2, in this example 0xd0000002.All written bytes are readably @...

LHohl.1 by Associate II
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ADC multichannel question

Hi, I want to set 3 channels of adc and transfer data via dma to buffer.​But I want to read rando​mly, sometimes only ch1, sometimes only ch3 etc. One channel at time. And fill buffer with data from one channel.​​Do I have to set:-adc continous - dis...

oeliks by Senior
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Resolved! using LFN feature in sd card with stm32f4

Hi,I want to use lfn feature in sd card and i use stm32f4 for this purpose i set _USE_LFN to 1 and _MAX_LFN to 255 . when i create the file , file is created but when i want to return file name , returns wrong.please guide me, how to return file name...

alianvari by Associate III
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