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Resolved! modbus tcp-ip (server/client) Over ethernet

Hi ,I need example modbus tcp-ip (server/client) Over ethernet,As i have to create Modbus tcp ip communication from scratch (develop Modbus stack for better debugging )Any one suggest where i have to start with some dev board along with some existing...

Ss.61 by Associate III
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Resolved! Object detection

Hi all,I am trying to implement object detection algorithm on STM32F429 - DISC1 model with MATLAB Simulink. I didn't use earlier. So, please guide to me "How to implement software into that." 

USART error in STM32F4

Good evening community members,today I have been trying to activate USART module of my STM32F446 board. However even after trying everything, I could not sense Tx signal on PA2 pin of the board. This is the low level code I used. I had been trying to...

Resolved! HRTIM restart after DEBUG

Hallo,for security reason I have to stop HRTIM generating 3-phase signal for PMSM motor.It works as described in RM0433 (37.3.23) with DBG_HRTIM_STOP = 1: when debugger stops MCU predefined "FaultLevel" appears on outputs as expected. HRTIM goes into...

DrDro by Associate III
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Issue when using SPI using DMA

Hello,  I wanted to have SPI with DMA RX, below issues I face: 1. When SPI RX DMA function used with no TX DMA configured in MX (but blocking SPI TX used), It remains in RX busy state 2. When SPI RX DMA function used with blocking TX function, SPI wo...

GauravK by Senior
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