User Activity

I'm trying the LPBAM_LPUART_TransmitReceive with a NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q but I can't make it works.I enabled the debug by removing the init of PA13 and  PA14. The MCU got stuck into an hardfault when calling ADV_LPBAM_UART_Transmit_SetFullQ() for the secon...
I have an overconsumption of ~50uA when going into stop2 mode with the DMAT of LPUART set.Because of the silicon bug (LPUART does not generate DMA requests after setting/clearing DMAT bit), I can't easily clear this flag (the workaround can lead to l...
I'm trying to port code from STM32L4 to STM32U5.The STM32L4 code was using the LPUART, with a baudrate of 20k, clocked with HSI but in stop2 mode the HSI was stopped, it was able to wakeup and read incoming data. This configuration was using ~10uA.I'...
I spent many hours trying to make the SPI3 works through the use of the HAL but it was doing weird things (not clearing IRQ flag so ISR was continuously called).Then I found that SPI3 is limited to a size of 1023.I also found on this forum other peop...
In the STM32 ODE Function Packs page, the links to networking and security return an 404 error.