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Forum Posts

ADC to DMA not working on Nucleo-U545RE-Q

Hello.I have problems to get DMA with ADC working.I'd like to collect 2 values from PA3 and PA4 and store them in an array (convertedData_u16). I configured ADC1 with Channels 8 and 9, and GPDMA1 with Channel1.I can see that data is being collected i...

Resolved! STM32G431 (STSPIN32G4), OPV High Offset Voltage

Hi,i have a custom design with a STSPIN32G4 SoC. However, I think my question does refer to the internal microcontroller (STM32G431VBTx) and not the motor controller.Timer TIM3 does trigger an interrupt every 10 ms.The Interrupt starts a conversion o...

oeser by Associate II
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STM32L031F4 power consumption too high

Hello,I have a project that uses the STM32L031F4. I need the board to have the current under 1mA whilst running. However, I cannot get the current this low, even according to the data sheet, the max current consumption for Vcore=1.2V should be 0.2mA....

SPI DMA with STM32U5

Hi everyone,I want to connect 2 stm32 via SPI DMA mode. My wish is that the master first sends 512 bytes of command to the slave, then the slave processes this data to respond to the master. On the master side, the delay between sending 512 command b...

WhatsApp Image 2024-09-12 at 16.00.19.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2024-09-12 at 15.59.03.jpeg
tuna by Associate
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How do I fix a HAL_BUSY condition during I2C comms?

Hi Folks,This has been driving me crazy. I'm using a Nucleo-L031 board and it's connected to a I2C TCA9548A 1:8 multiplexer. I am trying to read 4 sensors connected to the mux chip. I have 4.7K pullups installed at the Nucleo's I2C pins. The sensor b...

SDIO CLK unable init

Hi  I had a custom board and my SD clock (SD_CLK) is always stuck at 400 kHz, this is typically due to the initialization phase of the SD card interface. As such i unable access the content in my SD card.

KHowe by Associate
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Resolved! SPI Master using HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA

Hi everyone,I am a new user of ST microcontroller. I am not familiar with DMA. Currently I am working on to pull the data from the AFE as slave using DMA method using CUBE generate code:HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA(SPI_HandleTypeDef ...

Nabu .1 by Associate
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Casting Void Pointer to structure changes data

{static void* data;func ->structure* s = new structure();// do stuffdata = s;return;  Callback ->structure* s = (structure*) data;// Error} Functions are more or less setup as above. This setup is used in many locations on the code, works just fine. ...
