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Forum Posts

OTA for STM32F070CB,STM32F070C6

OTA is possible with esp32 wifi module ...? for these microcontrollers if not possible which series microcontrollers have that facility. If possible can guide me plzz...?

AVenk by Associate
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touch sensing calibration

HiI'm working on touch sensing feature of stm32f051,,but I have a big problem that every board that I assembled has different thresholds for its sensors(the component are the same) and I can't have a unique code and each time I have to change thresho...

STM32 RTC Alarm behavior

I am currently making a device running the RTC calendar. The MCU will be in stop mode for the most of the time. It will wake up in the certain date and time. Is it possible to configure the STM32 to wake up once a month by setting the alarm day and t...

Leo Tai by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F334 Tim3 Prescaler

Dear all,I am in difficulty to adjust Timer 3. Let me explain with examples:Internal Clock is 72 MHz and it is used for also Timer 3 as an input clock.1- When PSC: 36 and ARR: 124 it should generate an interrupt every 62,5 us (we can assume it genera...

TA1 by Associate III
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