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Forum Posts

I am trying to interface an stm32f412 with a Texas instruments ADS7953 in the auto 2 mode. I am using the TI mode and using the HAL DMA drivers to talk to the ADS7953. However after programming I am not getting the intended result.

As I understand it TI mode consists of high polarity clock, 1st edge phase and nss after every frame. I think the problem I have is the clock is running even with NSS high. This causes the bits to be shifted out of the ADS7953. It will be great if an...

NKoti.1 by Associate
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IR remote

I'm trying to code IR remote which uses NEC protocol using STM32f030 .I'm able to do the code under while(1) as as a GPIO input But i'm not able to implement it as an interrupt . Kindly help me regarding the same

OKuma by Associate II
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Simulink target ADC not working for STM32F091

I am trying to use the ADC_Read block from the simulink support package. I am able to use the ADC1 from a STM32F4 MCU but when I try to use the ADC from STM32F0 MCU it doesn't work. All the configurations should be fine since many other blocks work (...

jagjordi by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F769 PWM using DMA on two channels PA2 and PA3 issue

Hello,I have an issue with using two channels of DMA to generate the PWM on PA2 and PA3 pins.I configured using CubeMX TIM2 PWM Generation CH3 and CH4. I have added the DMA memory to peripheral for PA2 DMA1Stream1 and for PA3 DMA1Stream6.The issue I ...

VMoca.1 by Associate II
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STM32 ADC DMA Sample Rate Time

Hi everyone, I have some questions about using ADC. I have an analog channel and want to read it for a specified time according to my PWM signal because it has been used as a voltage sense on an inductor. However, I need more samples and have to chec...