User Activity

It's no secret that there is a worldwide shortage of STM32 MCUs and distributors are not even trying to estimate availability.How is STmicro addressing this?
I'm considering STM32G431 for a motor control project with 4 stepper motors driven by step and direction.Can all 4 steppers be controlled by using TIM1's four PWM Generation channels 1 thru 4 and be made to move by different amounts of pulses simulta...
Trying to decide if TouchGFX with some variant of STM32H7 is the right solution for us and the Boss wants to know how big of a screen we can expect to drive and still get quality resolution and snappy feel. How do I determine memory requirements and ...
STM32G474CE: Is it possible to use I2C2 in SMBus 2-wire mode with DMA? Asking because CubeMX (with STM32CubeFW_G4 1.4.0) does not show the "DMA Settings" tab if I2C2 is set to "SMBus-two-wire-interface." Bug in CubeG4 or hardware limitation?
I can't seem to find it in the datasheet: what is the max allowed kernel clock frequency for SPI123 and SPI45?
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