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Hello,In a Ethernet communication, my MCU stop working after some seconds which makes me crazy. I will be thankful if you could help me to set the stack/heap and other parameters of RTX and my MCU startup file in order to find my problem better.I nee...
Hello,I wrote this code to send each 100us a 16bytes to PC. (STM32f10x)int32_t socket; uint8_t *sendbuf;     void Time3(void){ TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TimeStruct; NVIC_InitTypeDef nvicStructure; NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_3); nvic...
Hello,I have written these codes for transmitting an array to USART.1)The Message[21] Array fills up every 200us. It sets Flag=1 when data is ready.2) If the user makes the PB11 pin low it starts DMA section to transmit the data.(All data will transm...
Hello,A simple question make me confused. For example, this code with return 40 value for a 10-member array.#include <stdio.h> int buffer[10]; int main() { printf("Hello World %d \n\r",sizeof(buffer));   return 0; }For settings my DMA for sp...
Hello,I need to know how to calculate CRC-8 of input data.I have a binary stream like (12586966 Dec or 0XC00FD6) and CRC-8(22 DEC, 0x16). Based on 0x97 polynomial how I can calculate my input binary stream CRC-8?Thanks
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