Connecting UlinkPro to STM32F769I-EVAL evaluation board
What are the changes required on STM32F769I-EVAL evaluation board to use UlinkPro debugger?
What are the changes required on STM32F769I-EVAL evaluation board to use UlinkPro debugger?
I'm testing stm32f302 ADC capture with DMA transfer, but get some strange issues.I set the ADC1 to capture single channel AIN2(PA1) in continuous and DMA mode at 72MHz and 1.5 sample cycles. Set the DAC1 output a fixed voltage of 2048 with VDDA = 3.3...
Hello, I will use STM32L4R9AI in a battery powered design with PSRAM that powered at 1.8v and flash memory that can work at wider voltage range (in addition to DSI display, RTC, ADC, DAC, USB, I2C) so my power scheme is as following:MCU:VDD : 1.8vVDD...
HAL_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */ /* USER CODE END Init */ /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */ /* USER CODE END SysInit */ /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_DMA_Init(...
Hi everyone,I have recently starting becoming familiar with the M-Cortex structure and instruction set ( I was raised on Atmel MCUs in school and this is my first time working with M-Cortex and .thumb instructions) I am trying to learn as much as I c...
Hi, I'm using an audiocodec with a STM32F4011 through I2S interface. I configure I2S to transmit/receive in DMA mode and circular buffer. I need to get an ISR on HalfComplete and Complete transfer.HAL_I2SEx_TxRxHalfCpltCallback is fired on half compl...
I use USART2 for connect whith gsm module.When trafic is big enough some byte in transmitting from cpu to modem can be corrupted.It may be happen one time in few minutes.I see corrupted byte by signal analisator. And the same corruption i see on the ...
So problems with stm32h743VIT6 SPI TX.No TXC/EOT -flag(s). No TX interrupts. No physical activity on pin side MOSI/SCK.Like commented to code: I have tried so many variants of configurations (only master transmitters). I feel I have tried all what I ...
I have inherited code that received 1400 bytes over a 2mbps serial link. I've increased that to 1892 bytes and on occasion (not always, but frequently enough to be annoying) I receive my buffer "shifted" by one byte and a garbage byte for byte 0 in t...
My development board "NUCLEO-401RE" has forgotten the original name of the virtual disk.As a result of various projects, the original name "NODE_F401RE" changed to "NUCLEO".I do not know when.The board is working properly.However, the Teseo-Suite Pro...