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I made a small wav-music player with a STM32L452. Reads data from SD card via SD 1 bit mode, and plays it over the DAC. Homemade jukebox, fun little project.My problem is: while all the small cards (up to 8 gig) I tested are o.k, larger cards do not ...
I tried: import/general/existing projects from workspace, thenchoose nucleo-l452re/examples/gpio/pgio_iotoggle,I get the whole file structure, get my main.c, see the file, however, the "hammer" is greyed out. Cannot be built. What is wrong with these...
Sorry if the question sounds stupid, I am new to STM32.I managed to have a PWM working, timer 1, pos/negative, deadtime, working with DMA from an array with pre-calculated values. HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1, sine_val, samples); HAL_T...