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Resolved! Can't get oneshot timers to work

I want tim16 to, every 1 second, start tim15 which is a oneshot timer which then does something when the period elapsed.I start tim16 in my main function, which works correctly, but the tim15 interrupt only triggers once, so my output looks like this...

DavidL_ by Associate III
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Trouble initializing the I2C interface

Hi everyone, My name is Emmanuel Katto. I am having trouble initializing the I2C interface on the STM32F4 series. Could someone provide a simple example or point me to resources that detail the setup process? Looking forward to your responses.Thanks ...

Resolved! Writing to & Reading from STM32H7 FLASH memory

Hello, i am trying to read and write from flash memory to hold some configuration datas. I am using STM32H723. When i try to write some part of flash memory, i can write for a few times, than my program goes to hardfault. When i run the code again, m...

Octospi1 Reading from volatile memory stm32H735

Hi I have configured Octospi1 to Read / Write from my FPGA in memory mapped mode.The interface works well, but i have a problem that the CPU is not reading from the memory and just use last cached value.The Variables are set volatile. both the pointe...

Kvang by Associate III
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IIS3DWB - FIFO timestamp decimation issue

Hi,    I am using the IIS3DWB sensors' FIFO with the following setup:/* Set Output Data Rate */err = iis3dwb_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, IIS3DWB_XL_ODR_26k7Hz);/* Set full scale */err = iis3dwb_xl_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, IIS3DWB_16g);iis3dwb_fifo_wat...

DSaci.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! My STM32 device is overheating and has malfunctioned

Hello,We’ve designed a device that uses an STM32 microcontroller to manage various features such as I2C, UART, ADC, IWDG, DMA, Flash memory handling etc. After running smoothly for a month, the device began malfunctioning, drawing 220 mA of current a...

Wadeva by Associate III
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Resolved! Unable to read NAND flash ID

Hello,We have been using NAND Flash (MT29F8G08ADAFAH4-AAT) interfaced with STM32L562 microcontroller using FMC interface. We are first trying to read the ID of the Flash using the below HAL API. if(HAL_NAND_Read_ID(&hnand1, &NAND_ID) != HAL_OK){retur...

Resolved! Problem calculating CRC32 with DMA (STM32U585)

Hello,perhaps someone here has an idea what's going wrong:I wrote a small program with cube ide to calculate a crc32 (standard polynom 0x4c11db7). It took me some time, but now I get the same result when using HAL_CRC_generate and 'manually' feeding ...

GunterH by Associate II
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SoftwareSerial doesn't work on Nucleo-32L031K6

I use Arduino IDE and "STM32 MCU based boards" library to program Nucleo32. Here are the settings:I connect it directly using USB to computer.Here is my code: #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial mySerial(PB6, PB1); // RX, TX void setup() { ...

Screenshot 2024-09-26 213842.png
mhd75 by Associate
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