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Resolved! GPIO Pin Initilization for USB Port

I Created a New Project for the Following MCU'sSTM32L072CZYSTM32F103C8T6STM32F401REI enabled the USB as Device and Also Selected Virtual Com Port as the Middleware and Generated the Project.Upon Loading the Respective Projects to the MCU's The USB Po...

Resolved! GPIO Alternate Mode Pull Up & Pull Down Function

I tried to solve the questions that occurred during the development of STM32 L4 Series through Googling, but I couldn't find anything related, so I'm leaving a post. I understand that even if the built-in Pull Up or Pull Down circuit is enabled, ther...

Odoong by Associate
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Three phase dual active bridge

Hi all,I am trying to implement a dual active bridge in three phase system. You need one three phase PWM system on the primary and second three phase PWM system on the secondary. Phase shift of PWMs within primary are fixed 120 deg. Same on the secon...

adamp by Associate II
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boot application - issue with SCB_DisableDCache

does anybody have a idea why the code is stuck at below do while loop (bold marked)?.use case: for the boot application , SCB_DisableDCache () is getting called before jumping into use aplication.__STATIC_INLINE void SCB_DisableDCache (void){ #if de...

Anand Ram by Associate III
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Resolved! how to use UART with DMA

I am using STM32H7B0VBT6 MCU.i want to transmit data using UART with DMA in normal mode.i am using "HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(&huart4, &UART4_array[0], UART4_ARRAY_SIZE);"it sends only once , next time it do not work. Where i am doing wrong ? am I using ...

NKann.1 by Associate III
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Failed to use I2C DMA for STM32F072

Issue description as below:1. STM32F072+STM32CUBEMX+FREERTOS+I2C1 DMA2. I2C1 was set for rx DMA 2. I use HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_DMA() for external device memory reading and it retured HAL_OK,but no data written to DMA buffer , DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler fo...

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supgz by Associate II
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[STM32H750] How to Debug in SDram

I use STM32H750XBH6, Flash is 128kBytes.My Program is too big,so I Write a BootLoader to load the program into sdram ,and run it in sdram.This is the setting of my APP in keil,This way can run the program successfully , but I cannot debug APP in Keil...

Passerby by Associate III
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I2C3 Slave need to re-power to work

Hi All,I am Ketan, and I am implementing own driver for STM32F4 device. I have STM32F4-DISCO Development, everything looks fine when I2C talks on-board slave device (CS43L22) but when I2C talk to external slave, which is connected thorough Jumper wir...

ketan_vd by Associate
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