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Forum Posts

HAL_SPI_TRANSMIT sending bits unreliably

Hello,I'm a new new member and user of STM32 microcontrollers. I've just started using a bluepill STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller and I'm trying to set up a simple SPI communication.At the moment I do not have slaves, only a master (the STM32), and I'm...

ABoyd.1 by Associate II
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Timer synchronization maximum frequency

Hi,If I am starting with 120 MHz system clock and want the master timer to generate a 60 MHz PWM waveform and I want the second timer to generate an in-phase 8 MHz PWM waveform I must clock the second timer with 120 MHz (as 60 MHz isn't divisible by ...

NArnd by Associate III
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NUCLEO G431RB BOOT0 Pin and FDCAN Problem

Hi, I've 2 Nucleo boards (Edit: Nucleo -G431RB )to communicate between FDCAN. I create a project using CUBEMX. Default FDCAN RX/TX is PA11/PA12. and I have no problem getting it work. All worked fine. But I also need USB so I moved FDCAN Pins to PB9/...

e-zeki by Associate III
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I am using STM32F407 Discovery Board and I'm generating my project using MX Cube   I'm doing testing on I2C sensor that is MLX 640 which is used for taking thermal image , so basically we are are reading frames of thermal image via I2C on every 1 sec...

Djain.1 by Associate II
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LSE clock start-up problem

Hi, i'm trying to use the LSE clock with the RTC but it doesn't start until i make a state reset or run the code under debug mode.I have read all other posts of LSE problems in the forum and found a lot of info, almost everything related with hardwar...

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TOrdó.1 by Associate
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